Spintrix Featured image.jpg

Spintrix Yo-yo

I’ve always liked Yo-yo’s. Next to a ball, they are one of the oldest toys around today. They inspire creativity. Playing with a Yo-yo isn’t so much a game as it is an art form. You learn tricks that exist, create routines, invent new tricks and even perform. It has more in common with skateboarding or juggling than anything else. But I decided to get creative with this toy in a different way.

I came up with my own Yo-yo brand called “Spintrix”, and with it a logo, posters, packaging and the point-of-purchase display. I took a retro approach, creating patterns of red and black and printing on cardboard. The result would feel at home in a Cracker Barrel store.

Yoyo poster RGB.jpg
1-box on side.jpg
2-yoyo exiting box.jpg
3-yoyo with box.jpg